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Richardson Independent School Special Bond Election

Proposition A (Proposición A)


The issuance of $694,000,000 of school building bonds for acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving and equipping school buildings, for the purchase of necessary sites for school buildings, the retrofitting of school buses with emergency, safety, or security equipment, and for the purchase or retrofitting of vehicles to be used for emergency, safety, or security purposes and for the purchase of new school buses, and the levying of a tax sufficient, without limit as to rate or amount, to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and to pay the costs of any credit agreements executed or authorized in anticipation of, in relation to or in connection with the bonds. THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE


(La emisión de $694,000,000 en bonos para edificios escolares para adquirir, construir, renovar, mejorar y equipar edificios escolares, para la compra de los predios necesarios para los edificios escolares, la actualización de autobuses escolares con equipamiento de emergencia, protección y seguridad y para la compra o actualización de vehículos a utilizarse para propósitos de emergencia, seguridad o protección y la compra de nuevos autobuses escolares, y la imposición de un impuesto suficiente, sin límite de tasa o cantidad, para pagar el capital e interés de los bonos y para pagar los costos de cualquier acuerdo de crédito firmado o autorizado en anticipo, relación o conexión con los bonos. ESTO ES UN AUMENTO AL IMPUESTO PREDIAL)


Proposition B (Proposición B)


The issuance of $56,000,000 of school building bonds for acquiring and equipping technology infrastructure, including computers, tablets and other technology devices, and the levying of a tax sufficient, without limit as to rate or amount, to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and to pay the costs of any credit agreements executed or authorized in anticipation of, in relation to or in connection with the bonds. THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE.


(La emisión de $56,000,000 en bonos de edificios escolares para adquirir y equipar infraestructura tecnológica, incluidas computadoras, tabletas y otros dispositivos tecnológicos y la imposición de un impuesto suficiente, sin límite en cuanto a tasa o cantidad, para pagar el capital e interés de los bonos y para pagar los costos de cualquier acuerdo de crédito firmado o autorizado en anticipo, relación o conexión con los bonos. ESTO ES UN AUMENTO AL IMPUESTO

The League of Women Voters

of Richardson


300 North Coit Road, Suite 125

Richardson, TX  75080



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The League of Women Voters of Richardson is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. The League works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to people 16 and older of all gender identities. With 100 years of experience, the League is one of America’s oldest and most trusted civic nonprofit organizations. This website is paid for with donations we receive from community residents and businesses. The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates or political parties.  Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

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