May 1, 2021 Local Election - Voter Guides
To view League-produced Voter Guide content for ALL of the races on your ballot, regardless of where you live, go to the website. Included on this website are the four questions from the printed LWV-Richardson Voter Guide, plus many more questions with no word limit for Richardson City Council and RISD Board of Trustee candidates.
You will also find VOTERS GUIDE content covering other races and ballot items from both Dallas and Collin Counties.
When you enter your address at, you will see League-produced Voter Guide content for only those races that will be on your ballot when you go to vote. You can compare candidates' qualifications and answers to questions in their own words side-by-side and view Pro-con arguments for bond propositions. The League is nonpartisan; we never support or oppose any candidate or political party.
You may not use a cell phone or other electronic device at a polling place. Handwritten and printed materials (including LWV Voter Guides) are permitted.
The League of Women Voters of Richardson has produced a 4-question printed Voter Guide covering contested races for Richardson City Council and Richardson ISD Board of Trustees. The candidates' responses to the questions in the printed Voter Guide meet word limits imposed by the League due to space considerations. This Guide also contains information about the RISD bond proposals, including arguments for and against. A printable PDF is available here. Printed copies are available at the Richardson Library and at both Heights and Huffhines Recreation Centers.
The League of Women Voters of Dallas will be producing a separate printed Voter Guide covering Dallas County races. It will include the same 4 questions printed in the LWV-Richardson Voter Guide. Printed copies will be available at many locations in Dallas County, including the Fretz Park Library, Audelia Road Library, and Forest Green Library.
Printable PDF versions for portions of the LWV-Dallas Voter Guide covering the City of Garland and City of Dallas elections are now available here from LWV-Dallas.
LWV-Collin County
Collin County residents of Richardson may view printable Voter Guides for Collin College Board of Trustees and Plano ISD Board of Trustees on the LWV-Collin County website.