March 3, 2020 Primary Elections
The date of the Primary Runoff Election is May 26, 2020.
All VOTERS GUIDES produced by the League of Women Voters allow all candidates to answer questions on the issues in their own words. We are a nonpartisan organization. We never support, oppose, or endorse any candidate or political party.
League of Women Voters VOTERS GUIDE information in the Primary Elections is now available on the website.
To use this website, click on the link above, then:
Click on 'Find What's on Your Ballot.'
Fill in your address and hit 'Submit.'
Under 'Choose My Party', choose 'Show All' (to show candidates from both parties), 'Democratic', or 'Republican;' then Click on 'Go to My Races.'
Choose the language you want the guide to be in: English or Spanish. Click on 'Go to My Races.'
You may then see candidates' responses to the League of Women Voters questionnaires for the Primary Elections.
The VOTE411 website tailors the races you see to your voting location, so you do not have to figure out which county you live in or which races will be on your ballot. VOTE411 also allows you to compare candidates' responses side-by-side.
Dallas County
A printed VOTERS GUIDE covering races for voters who live in Dallas County is now available at:
Richardson Library
Richardson Civic Center
Richardson Senior Center
Heights Recreation Center
Huffhines Recreation Center
Collin County
Printable VOTERS GUIDES for voters who live in Collin County can be found on the website of the League of Women Voters of Collin County.
Click here for complete information about voter identification.
Early Voting by personal appearance is conducted by your County Elections Department.
Early Voting begins on February 18th and will end on February 28th.
On Election Day itself (March 3rd), regular polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Dallas County
Richardson residents who live in Dallas County may vote early at any early voting location in the county. Early Voting information is available on the website of the Dallas County Elections Department.
Collin County
Richardson residents who live in Collin County may vote early at any Early Voting location in the county. Early voting information is available on the website of the Collin County Elections Department.
To view a map showing which county your precinct is in, click here.
On Tuesday, March 3, 2020, polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
NOTE: Election Day polling locations for Primary Elections are not always the same as polling locations for General Elections. Be sure to check to determine where you can vote on March 3.
Dallas County
Richardson voters who live in Dallas County may vote on Election Day at any Election Day polling place in Dallas County. A link to those locations will be posted when it is available.
Collin County
Richardson voters who live in Collin County may vote on Election Day at any Vote Center in Collin County. This page also indicates wait times at each Vote Center.
On Saturday, January 25, 2020, the League of Women Voters of Collin County sponsored a series of candidate forums for the following offices. Offices in bold will be on the ballots of Richardson residents who live in Collin County. Videos of these forums can be viewed on LWV-Collin's YouTube channel.
Commissioner Precincts 1 + 3
Tax Assessor-Collector, Constable Precinct 1
District Court Judge 416 + 468 + 469 + 471
District Court Judge 366 + 380 + 401
TX Representative District 33 + 66 + 89
TX Representative District 67
US Representative District 3
U.S. House District 32 Forum
On Wednesday, February 19th, the League of Women Voters of Dallas and the Dallas Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a candidate forum for U.S. House District 32.
Click here for more information and to register.
Dallas County
To view your precinct's sample ballot, go to the Voter Lookup page and fill out your information. You will then be able to view a sample ballot containing only those races you will vote on.
Generic sample ballots (containing all races for all precincts) for the Democratic Primary and Republican Primary are now available on the website of the Dallas County Elections Department.
Collin County
Sample ballots for Collin County are now available on the Collin County Elections Department website.
To view the sample ballot containing only those races and propositions you will vote on, you need your precinct number. You can find your precinct number on your voter registration card, or you can look it up using a link on the webpage linked to in the paragraph above.
To vote by mail in Texas, you must meet one of the following qualifications:
be 65 years or older;
be disabled;
be out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or
be confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.
If you do not meet one of the above qualifications, you will need to vote in person, either during the Early Voting period (February 18-28) or on Election Day (March 3).
The last day to request an application for a ballot by mail in the March 6 Primary Elections is February 21, 2020. To print an application for a mail ballot or submit a request online, go to the Secretary of State's website.
Mail-in ballots must be received by election officials no later than March 3.
This is the date on which the major political parties will hold their Primary Elections. Candidates who wish to represent one of the major parties in races that will appear on the November General Election ballot must first win that party's Primary Election.
You can search by county for candidates who have filed for office on the website of the Texas Secretary of State.